Youth priceless

Price list of tennis school TK Sparta Prague valid from 1.7.2024.

May, June, September
Number of players on standard court 1 player / 1 hour (13.00-14.00) 1 player / 1 hour (14.00-16.00) 1 player / 1 hour (16.00 - 18.00)
Solo with coach 700 CZK 750 CZK 780 CZK
2 players with coach 370 CZK 400 CZK 450 CZK
3 players with coach 270 CZK 290 CZK 340 CZK

In the summer season, children usually train on a standard court.

* Out of school hours weekdays 780/450/340 CZK, weekends 850/450/340 CZK only for players who are members and play regularly in the school.

1 October - 30 April
Number of players on minicourt 1 player / 1 hour (13.00-14.00) 1 player / 1 hour (14.00-16.00) 1 player / 1 hour (16.00 - 18.00)
Solo with coach 700 CZK 750 CZK 780 CZK
2 players with coach 370 CZK 400 CZK 450 CZK
3 players with coach 270 CZK 290 CZK 340 CZK

In winter, children train on smaller courts.

Note: the above amounts are valid only for members of TK Sparta Praha, if you are not a member, the amounts are 15% more rounded up to the whole crown.

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