YOUTH 1 (Y1) YOUTH 2 (Y2)
Benefits Benefits
5 % discount on goods at the reception 5 % discount on goods at the reception
5% discount on HEAD merchandise 10% discount on HEAD merchandise
play at member prices  play at member prices 
discount on the camp as a home player, for members who regularly train in TK Sparta discount on the camp as a home player
  possibility of playing babytennis and minitennis teams
100 CZK / year 800 CZK / year


Benefits Benefits
5 % discount on goods at the reception 5 % discount on goods at the reception
10% discount on HEAD merchandise 20% discount on HEAD merchandise
play at member prices  an hour a day on clay without a coach for free
discount on the camp as a home player play at member prices 
  20% discount on entry to the regeneration zone and cryochamber
  20% discount on physiotherapy and massages
  discount on the camp as a home player
  chip card + locker
800 CZK / year 5 400 CZK / year


5 % discount on goods at the reception
20% discount on HEAD merchandise
an hour a day on clay without a coach for free
play at member prices 
chip card + locker
15% discount on physiotherapy and massages
12 000 CZK / year

Become a member a get benefits



Agel Moravia Steel Hlavní město Praha Přerost a Švorc Český tenisový svaz Victoria VSC Národní sportovní agentura Grant Thornton Head Pražský tenisový svaz Tennis Sparta Agency Chrenek, Toman, Kotrba Praha 7 Quantcom SMT Academy POHL cz Česká televize
Güvenilir Bahis Siteleri 2025