TK Sparta Prague celebrates the title: after 4 years we are again the champions of the tennis extraliga!

Sport results

December 31, 2024

The Spartans proved their strength again! After great performances in the group stage and in the final against TK PRECHEZA Přerov, we celebrate the victory in Tennis Extraliga 2023. Thank you to all players, coaches and fans for their support on the way to the title!

TK Sparta Prague is on top of Czech tennis again! After four years, we won the title in the tennis extraliga and confirmed that our club belongs among the elite.

Our journey to the title started in the group stage, where we first defeated I.ČLTK in a dramatic 5:4 match. The winning points were scored by Tereza Valentová, Sara Bejlek, Jakub Nicod and in doubles by the duo Šalková/Valentová and Veselý/Nicod. In the second group match we faced Pliskova Tennis Academy. Thanks to the performances of Martin Krumich, Hynek Bartona, Jiri Vesely and the successful doubles of Bejlek/Valentová, Vesely/Nicod and Nouza/Rikl we won 6:3.

In the final played in Prostejov we played against TK PRECHEZA Přerov. Our players showed great form and the victory 5:1 was secured by Martin Krumich, Hynek Barton, Sara Bejlek, Jakub Nicod and Jiri Vesely. After four years we are celebrating the title of Czech champions in tennis extralegal again!

Jiří Veselý, Jakub Nicod, Michael Vrbenský, Hynek Barton, Martin Krumich, Matthew William Donald, Petr Brunclík, Petr Nouza, Patrik Rikl, Dominika Šalková, Sara Bejlek, Barbora Palicová, Tereza Valentová, Laura Samson and Miriam Škoch.

We thank all players for their determination and fighting spirit, coaches for their preparation and fans for their support.

Players mentioned: Sára Bejlek, Tereza Valentová, Michael Vrbenský, Petr Brunclík, Jiří Veselý, Barbora Palicová, Jakub Nicod, Laura Samson, Hynek Bartoň, Martin Krumich, Dominika Šalková, Patrik Rikl, Petr Nouza

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